Sunday 25 October 2009

Initial Sketches, Fun Glasses

Fun Glasses, here are some initial sketches exploring the various possibilities that I could make. Next step is to try them out in card properly then lazer cut some out to test the hinge. I would like to add other features in a different media to make it more interesting...

Monday 19 October 2009

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Firth Park Placement 1

Firth Park...fantastic!

I absolutely love it!

A little bit daunting being placed at a school that you only hear negative things about, however...never judge a book by its cover, although a difficult school the atmosphere is great, the technology team seem very intune with one-another and there is a generally a good atmosphere. Olly Lewis (a previous Hallam student on the PGCE) is currently developing a STEM project, a formular 1 rally car for the kids to design and make and eventually test drive-how fantastic! the kids love it!

The pupils seem to lack confidence and self esteem in many areas, and I do feel this is perhaps why their behaviour is particularly poor, maybe with more positive feedback and encouragement this will improve??? Classes were quite a challenge last week, often found myself stepping in to teach simple drawing techniques to the year 7's who were once again simply lacking confidence in their abilities. Hope everyone has a fantastic placement! Good Luck!